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2 Star Award

Our 2 Star Award is an improvement award which supports the development of fundamental paddlesport skills on sheltered water.

It recognises a paddler’s understanding of how the paddle, boat and water interact and their ability to control movement of both canoes and kayaks using fundamental skills.


Candidates must be able to swim 25 metres wearing a buoyancy aid and have experience of:

  • Paddling two different craft – surf kayak, closed cockpit kayak, open cockpit kayak, closed cockpit canoe, solo/tandem open canoe, racing boat, wave‐ski, flat‐hulled boat, v‐shaped hull, slalom boat, polo boat, or sea kayak

  • Paddling in two different locations – canal, river, loch/lake, or sea. Different parts of large bodies of water can be counted as two different locations

  • Competing in two paddlesport competitions – club level event, slalom, polo, sprint, freestyle bell‐boat etc. OR completing two journeys of approx. two hours duration

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