Sea Cliff Kayakers is the premier sea kayak school in Maine and New England. Our experiences have brought us to some of the most dramatic paddling destinations in the world, and we have been privileged to work with thousands of enthusiastic paddlers. Our goal is to maximize your efficiency while minimizing your risk of injury as you develop your paddling skills for more exposed ocean environments. We want you to be the most important contributor to your learning. We have an impressive schedule of classes, but specialize in customizing classes to your individual needs. If you want to elevate your paddling to a different level, contact us.

With the exception of a few misguided years a while ago, John has lived on the ocean his entire life. He has been in and around most every type of boat, tending towards the wind and human powered types. Almost 20 years ago, the sea kayak became his vessel of choice, and he has enjoyed adapting his “Big Boat” skills to kayaks.
John’s love of the traditions of the sea is infectious as he passes his seamanship and navigation skills on to his students.
As a Coach, his understanding of the human body and biomechanics, gives him unique insights into what will make his students more efficient, safer from injuries and better able to enjoy these centuries old craft in more exposed environments.John has led trips throughout Maine, the Canadian Maritimes, Scandinavia the Baltic Sea, Iceland and the British Isles. He regularly coaches at Kayak Symposiums throughout the US.J ohn is a Team paddler for P&H Kayaks..